Easily integrate your Halo Security findings with ArmorCode

We are excited to announce the rollout of our integration with ArmorCode, a leading platform that unifies Application Security Posture Management (ASPM), Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (RBVM), and Software Supply Chain Security (SSCS), making it easier than ever for security teams to manage risk and improve security posture.

How it works

With this new integration, customers can easily bring their Halo Security findings into the ArmorCode platform. Security teams looking to centralize their vulnerability data from multiple solutions can now access their Halo Security external attack surface management findings, such as:

  • Discovered assets
  • Vulnerabilities & issues detected by Halo Security
  • Asset details & contextual data

Once synchronized with ArmorCode, this data becomes a powerful resource for tasks such as vulnerability deduplication, analysis, triage, automation, and comprehensive reporting.

ArmorCode's innovative approach ingests and unifies findings from customer's many detection and testing tools, including the newly added Halo Security integration. This process streamlines the correlation of findings and enhances prioritization capabilities. ArmorCode also seamlessly integrates with ticketing systems, notification tools, asset management, and other essential systems to automate risk-based remediation workflows. 

Overall, the integration simplifies cyber risk management and significantly enhances the efficiency of security teams.

Improve software security posture with Halo Security and ArmorCode

Together, Halo Security and ArmorCode provide the coverage and clarity you need to manage risk and improve security posture across your software portfolio. You can leverage Halo Security’s Attack Surface Management to discover external-facing assets and eliminate gaps in your security coverage. ArmorCode’s Application Security Posture Management solution unifies findings from Halo Security with data from your other tools to provide holistic visibility, prioritize issues based on risk, and automate triaging and remediation workflows to optimize effort and improve security posture.

Getting started

If you're already an ArmorCode and Halo Security client, reach out to your ArmorCode Customer Success Manager and visit ArmorCode's integrations directory to see what you can connect. 

If you're not yet a customer, learn more about ArmorCode and Halo Security.